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Adults Programmes

What are our adults programmes and which classes should I attend?

We have 3 adult memberships. These are AxisRolly (BJJ and Judo), SCSC (Kickboxing, MMA, Judo and Wrestling) or All Access which includes all of the above. 

We allow a 1 week free trial which allows you access to all of our classes. The free trial gives you a chance to see which programmes you are interested in and which fits you best. 

A good starting point is our Beginners Combat Sports Class on a Wednesday at 530pm at our SCSC site. Here you can meet some coaches, try some training and ask plenty of questions about memberships, training etc.
Otherwise Beginner Kickboxing classes or our BJJ 101 classes are also good starting points if you already know what area of combat sports you want to train.

Open mats are free mat time where students roll, drill, spar and hangout/discuss important topics such as beer, work, family and beer.

First timers just need to wear shorts and t-shirts and bring jandles to wear when off the mat.

Gi BJJ classes require a Gi to be worn. If you are new to the sport we have loaner Gi Tops to use as needed however after a month or so of training it would be expected for you to supply your own Gi. We can help with this however you are not required to wear specific colours or patches etc. and so you can shop online and buy whichever one you like! 

Our initial suggestion is to always start with 2 sessions a week for a couple of weeks, even if you are relatively fit and able. Then if the body manages well you can increase an extra a session per week every fortnight. Some people only ever train 1-2x per week, some of us train 10+ times per week. It is up to your schedule, lifestyle and training goals. We do this mostly... for fun so make sure you treat it that way :)

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Ask any questions you have about AxisRolly or the SCSC.

You can sign up for a free week trial through the sign up button at the top right of the website.

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