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Why Train Combat Sports?

If you’re reading this, you’re already interested in trying a combat sport, but maybe you’re on the fence, for whatever reason. Well, we want to inspire you to take a chance and walk through the front door for the first time

Combat sports are a fun way to challenge yourself and learn skills that are not only for self-defense but also provide an opportunity to test yourself in a competitive format. It is one of the most effective activities you can pursue for personal empowerment. Here are some reasons for getting started in combat sports:

Combat Sports are Fun
As a coach when people ask me the martial art, or exercise that they should do, I generally say “The one you enjoy the most — because that’s the one you’ll actually do and stick to.”

People who like combat sports generally turn into people who love combat sports. Because it’s continually fun and interesting. There is always something else to work on. The sheer number of positions and situations possible in combat sports ensure that you will never know everything there is to know — and that means every day is a new chance to learn something game-changing. Way better than going to the gym and doing the same thing over and over again.

Competitions and open mats let you play the game against other people who have a totally different style — and you can keep doing that, against people of different ages, weight and skill levels, for the rest of your life.

You get in great shape
The best exercise doesn’t feel like exercise. You’re so focused on the task at hand that you don’t realise how tired you truly are until class ends and you realise just how much exercise you did!

I know running is good for me. I know this. But I hate doing it, although I’ve tried numerous times during my life. I always start, and then I get about a kilometre in and remember that I hate it, and just decide to go get coffee instead. But combat sports give you constant projects in terms of short-term and long-term goals, and it’s hard to get distracted. If someone is trying to choke or punch you, you have no choice but to focus!

Combat sports are a complete, full-body workout. Combat sports shape is a different kind of shape. Different to running, gym and swimming. It involves a full cardiovascular, strength and mindset workout that you cant get training in anything else.

Combat sports challenge you in ways you don't expect 

Combat sports challenges you to get improve — not just on the mats, but in life. It forces you to breathe, relax and think when engaging with another person. So that when met with a stressful situation in life you can take these skills and apply them.

Everybody faces challenges. Combat sports are a fun, exciting and effective way to learn how to problem solve in a challenging, but fun, environment.

Even if you never step in a mixed martial arts cage or on a competition mat, there are almost too many benefits from training to list

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